The Embodiment Talks (English) - S01 / E21

Exercise #6 Systemic exploration of a relation that does not flow by Inge Knoope (translated)

In podcast #20 I shared the main reflections on the Dutch interview I had with Inge Knoope. Inge also shared an exercise with us, in this episode you find a translation of this exercise. This exercise will help you to explore the dynamics in a relationship that does not flow.

Happy practicing!

Inge Knoope supports seekers, (social) entrepreneurs, teams and organisations with finding directions in their ambition to create an emotionally healthy and sustainable world. She is a systemic mentor. And bridge builder, always in search of the coherence between our inner and outer world.

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Over The Embodiment Talks (English)

In this podcast social systems change will be made accessible. In times of societal unrest, political scandals and climate crisis, we, probably unconsciously, question ourselves how to relate to the societal systems in which this is rooted. We often analyse this with our cognition. However, our body anticipates this much faster than our cognition can grasp it.

My name is Marjon van Opijnen, founder of the Embodiment LAB. In this podcast I will unravel the mysteries of our bodies in relation to challenging situations. And how more body awareness can help us to create societal and education change that serves us. I hope that this podcast gives you knowledge and new ideas. And that you can take your role as embodied change agent.

Because….. Concepts and ideas are important to come to change, but if we fail to feel and life through it, little change will happen.

This explorative podcast is about my own search to the relation between societal change and embodiment. I will share background information. I will interview experts and provide exercises. We will think, feel and act!

Great that you are here and I hope you enjoy listening to this podcast!

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