The Embodiment Talks (English) - S01 / E17

Why understanding our triune brain and developmental stages is essential for change - with Marianne Bentzen (#17)

In this Embodiment Talk, I have a talk with Marianne Bentzen about societal change from a neuro-affective development psychology perspective. It seems so easy to implement well thought of concepts of where change should lead to. Marianne gives an interesting perspective of the internal work we need to do to be able to truly embody and implement these ideas. In this Talk we dive deeper into the triune brain which should be basic knowledge to be able to come to lasting change.

In this Talk we go into:
•    How the triune brain model can help us to understand ourselves and the other better?
•    The importance of the successive development of each of the different parts of the triune brain and that that leads to the ability to mentalize in a mature way. And that mentalization is something else than we often think it is.
•    How we can only care for ourselves and the other when we have received the same in our own development. And how to heal the probable missing links.
•    How embodiment is the fundament for the ability to love and to mentalize. And how embodiment helps us to create a sense of belonging.
•    What we have to learn to be able to take care of the other and the planet. And that this takes that we grow up from a triune brain perspective.
•    How a healthy way of mentalization can help us to take decisions for the larger whole.

Marianne Bentzen is psychotherapist and trainer in neuroaffective developmental psychology. She is the author and coauthor of several books and many professional articles, including the Neuroaffective Picture Book 1 and 2 and Neuroaffective Meditation, a practical guide to lifelong brain development, emotional growth and healing trauma.

More information about Marianne Bentzen.
The link to her books.

Information about the Neuroaffective Development Psychology training can be found here. The training starts in November 2022 in the Netherlands.

And online guided meditations by Marianne Bentzen: 

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Over The Embodiment Talks (English)

In this podcast social systems change will be made accessible. In times of societal unrest, political scandals and climate crisis, we, probably unconsciously, question ourselves how to relate to the societal systems in which this is rooted. We often analyse this with our cognition. However, our body anticipates this much faster than our cognition can grasp it.

My name is Marjon van Opijnen, founder of the Embodiment LAB. In this podcast I will unravel the mysteries of our bodies in relation to challenging situations. And how more body awareness can help us to create societal and education change that serves us. I hope that this podcast gives you knowledge and new ideas. And that you can take your role as embodied change agent.

Because….. Concepts and ideas are important to come to change, but if we fail to feel and life through it, little change will happen.

This explorative podcast is about my own search to the relation between societal change and embodiment. I will share background information. I will interview experts and provide exercises. We will think, feel and act!

Great that you are here and I hope you enjoy listening to this podcast!

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